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  • Occupational Therapists

Each child is unique! Each child has the ability to improve!
I provide the following services (I claim directly from medical aids)

Functional assessment and treatment of children

Stimulation of expected developmental milestones

School readiness assessments

Evaluation and therapy for kids with learning difficulties

Assessment of kids for possible placement in special needs school

Scholastic assessments

Assessment and treatment of children struggling in school

Improvement of reading, spelling, comprehension

Funksionele evaluering en behandeling van kinders

Stimulasie van verwagte ontwikkelingsmylpale


Evaluasie en terapie vir kinders met leerprobleme

Evaluasie van emosionele intelligensie (ouderdom 5 – 8 jaar)

Evaluasie van kinders vir moontlike plasing in ‘n spesiale skool

Evaluasie en behandeling van kinders wat sukkel op skool

Skolastiese assessering

Verbetering van lees-, spel- en begripsvaardighede

Development of the Child Checklist Birth to 7 years and Age appropriate stimulation activities

Determine if a child is functioning according to his/her age level or as a guideline for age-appropriate stimulation activities (for teachers, therapist, parents).
This is not a standardized test.

Developmental checklist = 76 pages

Age appropriate stimulation activities = 25 pages

Only available in English.

ISBN 978-062048198-4

Format for pre-school class reports

Easy to use formats for pre-school class reports.
For children age 3 months – 6 years old. Each age band has their own class report.
Developmental areas include movement, activities of daily living, communication, cognitive skills, personality traits, play, ball skills, coordination, perception, hand function, basic concepts, body concept, number concept, form concept, colour concept, size concept, building with blocks, threading beads, cutting with scissors, drawing a person, picture-reading, story-time, writing, prepositions.

These reports were compiled by an occupational therapist and based on the Development of the Child Checklist – birth to 7 years old.

Each category can be completed by the teacher and is divided into:

V – Very good

F – Functional for age group

N – Needs some help/assistance

P – Problematic

These report are all typed in Word 2010. You can add your school and class logo as well as each child’s personal information. The reports can also be printed in A5 size to make a booklet.
Each school that bought the reports may use them as often as they need and make as many copies as necessary. You are not allowed to forward this to other schools/institutions as these reports are protected by copyright – Carla Grobler Occupational Therapist 2012.