Welcome to Our Honeybee family where our motto is ‘Home away from Home’. We are a small, intimate setting where each child is valued as an individual and encouraged to develop to their full potential. We believe that if children love coming to school and if a love for learning is nourished the sky is the limit.
Each child is unique and has a special talent, it is simply a matter of identifying it. Honeybee has been in existence for over 30 years, we have loving, professional staff ready to care for your child’s needs.
The children are entertained and stimulated so as to allow them to develop to their full potential.Everyday includes a morning language ring during which the theme is discussed as well as a gross motor ring …
We aim to provide a quality education together with the parents where each child is valued as an individual. To create a safe environment where they can learn through play and real life experiences in order to become confident, independent and happy children….
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